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 فيلهلم ديلتاي

Wilhelm Dilthey

اسم الكتاب: الفلسفة الوجودية والتاريخ
المؤلف: فيلهلم ديلتاي
Wilhelm Dilthey, Gesamelte Schriften, (Stuttgart, 1998)

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الفلسفة الوجودية والتاريخ

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للكاتب في معابر


                                 Author Books in Foreign Languages

Dilthey: Philosopher of the Human Studies - Rudolf A. Makkreel Dilthey Today: A Critical Appraisal of the Contemporary Relevance of His Work, Vol. 35 - H. P. Rickman Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected Works, Volume I: Introduction to the Human Sciences - Rudolf Makkreel, Wilhelm Dilthey, Frithjof Rodi (Editor), Frithjof Rodi (With) Wilhelm Dilthey: A Hermeneutic Approach to the Study of History and Culture- Ilse Nina Bulhof, I. N. Bulhof Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected Works, Volume V: Poetry and Experience - Rudolf A. Makreel, Wilhelm Dilthey, Frithjof Rodi (Editor)

2470 ل.س

4782 ل.س

2860 ل.س

8060 ل.س

1974 ل.س

47.50 US$

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55.00 US$

155.00 US$

37.95 US$

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  Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected Works, Volume IV: Hermeneutics and the Study of History - Wilhelm Dilthey, Rudolf A. Makkreel (Editor), Frithjof Rodi (Editor) Introduction to the Human Sciences: An Attempt to Lay a Foundation for the Study of Society and History - Wilhelm Dilthey, Ramon J. Betanzos (Editor), Ramon J. Betanzos (Translator) Wilhelm Dilthey: Selected Works, Volume III: The Formation of the Historical World in the Human Sciences - Wilhelm Dilthey, Rudolf A. Makkreel (Editor), Frithjof Rodi (Editor) The Tragedy of Finitude: Dilthey's Hermeneutics of Life - Jos De Mul, Tony Burrett (Translator), Anthony Burrett (Translator)

...... ل.س

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1558 ل.س

3380 ل.س

2340 ل.س



29.95 US$

65.00 US$

45.00 US$

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L'Edification du monde historique dans les sciences de l'esprit  - Oeuvres T3 - Sylvie Mesure  Wilhelm Dilthey  Heinz Wismann  - Cerf Critique de la raison historique Introduction aux sciences de l'esprit  - et autres textesOeuvres T1 - Sylvie Mesure  Wilhelm Dilthey  Heinz Wismann  - Cerf Ecrits d'esthétique  - Oeuvres T7 - Wilhelm Dilthey  - Cerf Conception du monde et analyse de l'homme - Wilhelm Dilthey - Cerf Leibniz et Hégel  - Wilhelm Dilthey - Cerf

1594 ل.س

2463 ل.س

2860 ل.س

3055 ل.س

2127 ل.س

30.65 US$

47.35 US$

55.00 US$

58.75 US$

40.90 US$

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